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Every Kind of Valentine

Valentine’s Day in Cayuga County

Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love, this year celebrate with your friends, your family or your partner! Sure, Valentine’s Day usually makes you think of a romantic dinner for two, but many people are choosing to change things up and celebrate this holiday with the people who mean the most to them. There are a lot of amazing things you can do on Valentine’s Day in Cayuga County to make this day memorable.  Choosing the perfect way to celebrate this holiday can be a bit tricky, luckily, we have a few ideas for every budget and every kind of Valentine.

In preparing to write this blog, I scoured the internet looking for the perfect gift suggestions, and I think I may have found need to worry about size, or age! This Valentine’s Day, surprise your loved ones with a shared experience.

Experiences lead to richer memories

Experiences lead to personal connections

Experiences lead to longer lasting happiness

The memorable aspect of the shared experience leads us to reminisce for year to come

Every Kind of Valentine
Every Kind of Valentine
Every Kind of Valentine